Thursday, October 2, 2008

Watercolor ATC Portrait

Here is my 2nd watercolor with pen and ink details

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Butterfly Fairy

Here she is with watercolors. I like the colors a lot. I think I need to practice on faces lots more. When it comes to faces I tend to avoid it or overdo it because I am not really sure of where and how to apply the shading. The only way I am going to get better is to do more of it. So I look forward to doing lots more of these. I didn't make the mail on time today so these will have to wait till tomorrow and will also post the other portrait before it goes out.

Butterflies and Fairies

Almost missed my watercolor - pen and ink atc swap which must go out today. I used my daughter's fantasy book for inspiration and drew these characters. Butterflies and fairies are one of my favorites!! So I did a pencil sketch using the photos in the book as resource and added my own style to each one. I will be painting these with watercolors today and will post the completed pieces here when I am done.